1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,363 - [Announcer] President Roosevelt 2 00:00:01,363 --> 00:00:03,401 said in a statement today that the Japanese 3 00:00:03,401 --> 00:00:07,595 have attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, from the air. 4 00:00:07,595 --> 00:00:11,654 - I was lying in my bunk in Jacksonville, Florida 5 00:00:11,654 --> 00:00:13,599 as an aviation cadet and I 6 00:00:13,599 --> 00:00:16,432 turned on the radio and blared out 7 00:00:17,916 --> 00:00:19,749 "Pearl Harbor has been attacked". 8 00:00:19,749 --> 00:00:22,749 (marching drumbeat) 9 00:00:27,464 --> 00:00:31,031 So I did what any normal patriotic American 10 00:00:31,031 --> 00:00:33,786 would do, I jumped to my feet, dressed, ran 11 00:00:33,786 --> 00:00:36,761 for the door as fast as I could. 12 00:00:36,761 --> 00:00:39,844 (inspiring drumbeat) 13 00:00:43,745 --> 00:00:47,086 We're suddenly on a route to Guayacanal. 14 00:00:47,086 --> 00:00:50,169 (drumbeat continues) 15 00:00:55,858 --> 00:00:57,941 I dove down and by the time I got to 16 00:00:57,941 --> 00:01:01,071 the ocean surface, the attack was over 17 00:01:01,071 --> 00:01:03,904 and the Japanese were flying away. 18 00:01:05,253 --> 00:01:08,253 I closed in on two Japanese bombers, 19 00:01:09,744 --> 00:01:12,631 one of which was directly in my sights, 20 00:01:12,631 --> 00:01:14,582 I shot him down, I pulled over 21 00:01:14,582 --> 00:01:17,147 to the side and got the next one, 22 00:01:17,147 --> 00:01:21,314 and at this point I was totally out of ammunition. 23 00:01:31,242 --> 00:01:33,435 If someone reminds me of something I can 24 00:01:33,435 --> 00:01:36,448 go over it with them but it's 25 00:01:36,448 --> 00:01:38,755 just a phase of life, that's all, it went by. 26 00:01:38,755 --> 00:01:41,588 (inspiring music)