Marine Air Control Squadron 4 provides combat-ready, task-organized forces capable of conducting air direction, control, surveillance; and information exchange with joint/multinational surface-to-air weapons agencies; continuous, all-weather, radar, non-radar, and tower air traffic control services to friendly aircraft; and collection, analysis , and dissemination of weather information at forward operating bases in order to provide 1st Marine Aircraft Wing the capability to conduct anti-air warfare operations and control of aircraft and missiles.


Activated 5 May 1944 at Cherry Point, North Carolina as Air Warning Squadron 13 and assigned to 1st Marine Air Warning Group, 9th Marine Aircraft Wing. Redesignated 1 August 1946 to Marine Ground Control Intercept Squadron 4 and assigned to Marine Air Control Group 2, Marine Air, West Coast. Deactivated 30 April 1947 Reactivated 30 June 1951 at Santa Ana, California and assigned to Marine Air Control Group 3, Air Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. Redesignated 15 February 1954 as Marine Air Control Squadron 4. Relocated During July 1959 to Iwakuni, Japan and assigned to Marine Wing Headquarters Group, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. Relocated during October 1960 to Santa Ana, California, and assigned to 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing. Relocated during September 1961 to Iwakuni, Japan and assigned to 1st Marine Aircraft Wing.

Deployed to Thailand during May-July 1962 in connection with communist threat to that country. Relocated during October 1962 to Santa Ana, California and assigned to 3rd Marine Aircraft wing. Relocated during October 1963 to Iwakuni, Japan and assigned to 1st Marine Aircraft wing. Relocated during October 1964 to Santa Ana, California and assigned to 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing. Relocated during October 1965 to Camp Pendleton, California. Deployed during 1965 to Da Nang, Republic of Vietnam and assigned to 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. Reassigned during August 1967 to Marine Air Control Group 18, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. Participated in The War In Vietnam June 1967-January 1971, Operating from Da Nang. Relocated During January 1971 to Santa Ana, California. Deactivated 31 January 1971. Reactivated 15 June 1971 at MCAS Futenma, Okinawa, Japan and assigned to Marine Air Control Group 18, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. Participated in numerous training exercises during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. Elements participated in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, April 2002-March 2004.