
Marine Wing Communications Squadron 18
Major Gustavo A. Terrazas

Major Terrazas, a California native, enlisted in the Marine Corps in June 2000. As an elisted Marine he reached the rank of Gunnery Sergeant. His enlisted assignments include Food Service Specialist, HMM-265, 31st MEU, aboard the USS Essex; Food Service Specialist, MACS-4, Tactical Air Operations Center Detachment Afghanistan during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM; Rations NCOIC, CSSG-15, I MEF (FWD) Iraq during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM; Rations Chief, Platoon Sergeant and Chief Martial Arts Instructor, CLB-11, 11th MEU aboard the USS Ogden and USS Cleveland during Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and INHERENT RESOLVE; Redeployment Support Party SNCOIC, CLR-15.

Major Terrazas was later commissioned in 2013 through the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program. In May 2013, he graduated from California State University San Marcos with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

His commands include Radio Platoon, 9th Communication Battalion, 1st MEF Information Group, and Company A, 9th Communication Battalion, 1st MEF Information Group.

His staff assignments include Deputy and Operations Officer for the Assistant Chief of Staff G-6, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing; Assistant Section Head and Manpower Analyst, Manpower Plans and Policy, Headquarters Marine Corps, Manpower and Reserve Affairs; First Term Force Planner, Manpower Plans and Policy, Headquarters Marine Corps, Manpower and Reserve Affairs; Executive Officer and Operations Officer, Company A, 9th Communication Battalion; and Training Officer, 9th Communication Battalion.

Major Terrazas is a graduate of the Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare School and the Naval Postgraduate School. He holds a Master of Science in Management.

His personal decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (gold star), and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (four gold stars).

1st Marine Aircraft Wing