Okinawa, Japan -- The Overseas Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) Living Patterns Survey is open for III MEF/MARFORJ service members stationed in Okinawa from March 17 through April 18, 2022.
The survey is available at:
Input is requested from all III MEF/MARFORJ active duty personnel to complete the Triennial Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Living Pattern Survey. The results will support adjustments to the amount of COLA service members receive. Over the years, COLA in Japan has decreased while the financial burden for service members and their families has increased.
Past surveys have failed to obtain more than 15% participation, participation that can lead to much needed financial changes. Participation in the survey has a direct impact on increased financial stability for active duty members stationed in Japan.
Further information about COLA can be found at the FAQ: