As the Commanding Officer of Marine Air Support Squadron 2 (MASS-2), I am personally committed to ensuring a safe environment for our Marines and Sailors. I task all leaders to be aware of warning signs/indicators and acts of harassment, intimidation, threats of violence, and other disruptive behavior. While this kind of conduct is not pervasive within MASS-2, no unit is immune.
Harassment, intimidation, threats, violence, and other disruptive behavior in our workplace will not be tolerated; reports of any of these types of behaviors will be taken seriously and will be dealt with appropriately including reporting to the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma Provost Marshal's Office (PMO). Such behavior can include oral or written statements, gestures, or expressions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical harm.
If a Marine or Sailor makes a threat and/or commits an act of intimidation or violence that is substantiated by an appropriate law enforcement agency, I will take the appropriate action using the full range of options at my disposal.
I need your cooperation to implement this policy effectively and to maintain a safe working environment. Do not ignore warning signs/indicators of potential violence or harassing, intimidating, violent, threatening, or other disruptive behavior. If you observe or experience such behavior by anyone on the installation, whether he or she is a unit member or not, report it immediately to your chain of command, MCAS Futenma PMO or Naval Criminal Investigative Service's (NCIS). MASS-2 leadership who receive such reports shall seek advice from the MASS-2 Violence Prevention Officer (VPO) for follow-on inquiries and action.
Threats that require immediate law enforcement involvement, assaults and other suspected crimes, shall be reported immediately to MCAS FUTENMA PMO at DSN 636-3332 or 911.
I will support all efforts made by MASS-2 leadership to deal with harassing, intimidating, threatening, violent, or other disruptive behavior in our workplace. MCO 5580.3 provides the necessary guidance regarding the Violence Prevention Program. If you have any questions about this policy statement or MCO 5580.3, please contact the MASS-2 VPO at DSN 636-3611 or +81-080-3354-2972.