Please refer to the following checklist for items you will need to complete before, during, and after you PCS to Okinawa:
As soon as you have orders to Okinawa, contact your gaining command to ensure they are tracking your arrival as well. This is very important, especially because many who just finished their respective school house do not always appear on units’ inbound roster.
Do not be afraid to contact your unit. They are eager to assist you and want to ensure they are tracking your arrival. Your units phone number can be accessed at the phone directory here.
While contacting your unit, also begin working on the above unaccompanied checklist.
Upon arrival at MCB Butler, you will immediately begin a ROM. This necessitates that you complete your checklist promptly and coordinate with your unit well ahead of time to ensure your ROM period is as smooth as possible.
Your ROM procedures will vary depending on your vaccination status. E-5’s and below may ROM with a roommate who is also conducting ROM. Three meals a day will be delivered to your barracks or BOQ room, unless you work out a different arrangement with your unit or sponsor.